Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hanger 2014 Bongs Still Available

Herb grinders and rolling accessories sold separately.

PA-13: Authorities Widen Search Area for Marjorie Margolies

The mystery continues in the search for congressional candidate Marjorie Margolies.

Authorities are expanding the search area after months of absences from debates and community forums across the 13th congressional district.

She was last seen at a fundraiser in mid-February.

Preliminary reports that Margolies may have been transported to central Asia now appear to be inaccurate.

Kane Considering Legal Action After Second Negative Story Written About Her in 14 Months

The Attorney General may sue the Philadelphia Inquirer following the paper’s report that she ended a sting investigation against state lawmakers.

PA-8: DCCC and EMILY’s List Fight Over Who Should Lose to Fitzpatrick

Two of the nation’s top Democratic campaign organizations are engaged in a pitched battle in Pennsylvania’s 8th congressional district. EMILY’s List, which advocates for pro-choice female candidates, is going head-to-head with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, over which candidate should lose  to Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Bucks) in the fall.

An EMILY’s List spokeswoman enthusiastically touted businesswoman Shaughnessy Naughton. “We are completely confident that with Shaughnessy we can get within eight, maybe even six, points of electing a female PA representative,” she said.

The DCCC is standing firmly behind its candidate, ex-Army Ranger Kevin Strouse.

“We still believe we have a candidate in Kevin that can get 45, perhaps as much as 46 percent of the vote against Mike Fitzpatrick,” said a DCCC spokesman.

The Fitzpatrick campaign declined to comment but noted that the Congressman intends to hold a telephone town hall sometime in the next eighteen months.

Metcalfe Bill Would Ban the Word “Caucus”

State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler) called on his colleagues to replace the “abomination” with a more heteronormative term.

The bill would also ban the word heteronormative.

PSEA Withdraws McCord Endorsement

In a surprising reversal Tuesday, the Pennsylvania State Educators Association pulled its endorsement of Rob McCord for Governor.

“We thought he was an OK candidate. He was funny and interesting, and fun to be around,” said PSEA President Mike Crossey. “But after the endorsement, he was like a totally different person. He started calling all the time, showing up to our regional meetings, that kind of thing.”

“He even asked us for money.”

Crossey said McCord’s TV ads were the last straw.

“Have you seen his ads? It’s like he’s never gotten another endorsement before. Awkward.”

Poll: Corbett Approval Remains 100% Among Dogs

Tom Corbett’s re-election hopes got a shot in the arm Tuesday.

The latest survey from Harper Polling showed the Governor tied with his record high approval from man’s best friend.

Dogs gave Corbett a 100% approval rating for the third consecutive year. The pollster attributed the Governor’s strong showing to his generous policy on biscuits and belly rubs.

Corbett’s real challenge will be to distinguish himself from the pack. The same poll showed canine approval at 100% for every candidate.

Cats, meanwhile, remain largely uncommitted in the race.

Joke's On Us

The joke’s on us. Our hosting company suspended PoliticsPA.com for reaching 3,615% of traffic limit. We hope to be back soon. In the meantime, the day's news continues here.